High-quality shuffleboard equipment for all players
Set# 1
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on an official 6′ wide court or compacted to 5′ wide. Then choose 6-inch discs when ordering.
With smaller court playing surfaces reduced to 4′ x 27′ and 3′ x 20′. Then choose 4-inch discs when ordering.
You will receive 4ea. fiberglass sticks with LIFETIME WARRANTY* 6 feet long. Each stick comes in two pieces that easily fit together for easy transport in your car.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (a set of 8 pucks, 6 » or 4 » in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket, a laminated dry-erase marker scoreboard, a hook for sticks, and a dry marker.
LIFETIME WARRANTY*Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.
Set# 2
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on a 4′ or 3′ wide compacted court.
The only difference with Set #1 is that your fiberglass sticks come in one piece, making them harder to put into your car.
You will receive 4ea. fiberglass sticks with LIFETIME WARRANTY* 6 feet long. Each stick comes in one piece.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (a set of 8 pucks, each 4 inches in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket, a laminated dry-erase marker scoreboard, a hook for sticks, and a dry marker.
LIFETIME WARRANTY* Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.
Set# 3
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on 4′ or 3′ wide compacted court.
The only difference with set# 2 is that you receive the sticks, the discs and the basket, no scoreboard, no dry marker and no hook.
You will receive 4ea. fibelglass sticks with LIFETIME WARRANTY* 6 feet long. Each stick comes in one piece.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (aset of 8 pucks, each 4 inches in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket. No scoreboard, dry eraser marker, no hook for your sticks
LIFETIME WARRANTY* Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.
Set# 4
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on official or 5′ wide compacted court.
The only difference with Set #2 is that your pucks are 6 » in diameter instead of 4 ».
You will receive 4ea. fiberglass sticks with LIFETIME WARRANTY* 6 feet long. Each stick comes in one piece.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (a set of 8 pucks, each 6 inches in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket, a laminated dry-erase marker scoreboard, a hook for sticks, and a dry marker.
LIFETIME WARRANTY* Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.
Set# 5
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on official or 5′ wide compacted court.
The only difference with Set #4 is that youyou receive the sticks, the pucks and the basket, no scoreboard, no dry eraser marker, no hook for your sticks.
You will receive 4ea. fiberglass sticks with LIFETIME WARRANTY* 6 feet long. Each stick comes in one piece.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (a set of 8 pucks, each 6 inches in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket, no scoreboard, no dry eraser marker, no hook for your sticks.
LIFETIME WARRANTY* Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.
Set# 6
This exclusive set is perfect for playing on official or 5′ wide compacted court.
The only difference with Set #5 is that your sticks’ heads have yellow runners.
You will receive 4ea. fiberglass sticks 6 feet long. Each stick comes in one piece.NO LIFETIME WARRANTY* because heads are too fragiles.
A set of LIFETIME WARRANTY* pucks (a set of 8 pucks, each 6 inches in diameter) in a choice of white, black, or yellow, a basket, no scoreboard, no dry eraser marker, no hook for your sticks.
LIFETIME WARRANTY* Normal wear caused by friction is not guaranteed.